Selasa, 13 April 2010

H for Happy

Cinta Dalam Sepotong Roti (Garin Nugroho, 1991)

Have a very long conversation...

Random question in the middle of the night, "Kamu suka roti srikaya ga?"

Regina Spektor, herself, her nice lipstick, and great Song: Raindrops
(You don’t know but that’s okay, You might find me anyway...)
(In a town that’s cold and gray, We will have a sunny day...)

-A for April, seems like it was made for me-

pictures were taken everywhere in the internet.

2 komentar:

Terong Belanda mengatakan...

Bebek Belur masukin gak?

Ariza mengatakan...

aku gak suka bebek belur....