Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

I love you more than the original cover of National Geographic Love Edition...

I love you more than the original cover of National Geographic Love Edition...
...More than a May Snowstorm in Kaivopuisto Park, Finland...

...More than Gypsies who live in Bucharest, Romania in 1999...

...More than Couple in Greenville, Mississipi in 1987....

Well, I dont know wether my love a way more than their love or not, but at least you love to take a lot of pictures of mine in this mean time, so, i think you love me more than two old tourists admire a stuffed moose in Anchorage, Alaska.... :P

Thanks for the book, Papin, I love you more than i love every single thing about National Geographic, more than ak.sa.ra bookstore, more than mbak-mbak at ak.sa.ra who was very kind and helpful, more than sat in the bus shelter across Tugu Tani at 10 PM, while wondering why 'Tugu Tani' claimed as a communist monument in Orde Baru...

In short, TERIMA KASIH :)

All pictures were taken from National Geographic 'LOVE'
Told ya, its an amazing photography book, dan foto-fotonya,, huuuuuh berasa dunia ini ternyata ga buruk2 amat... You wont stop till you reach the last page, then you will start from the very first page with the same excitement. Promise.
Terima kasih, angga, untuk pencerahannya :P

6 komentar:

Jengskaa mengatakan...

+keselek+ yasalaaaam dua orang ini...

+bawain penghulu+
sana kawin! wuahahahha...

Ariza mengatakan...

hiiiih kamuu udah sana itung2 aja belanjaan tami... nanti kalo tami udah SD, ta kadoin buku keren deh pokoknya, tapi kalo udah esde yaaaa....

Kiky mengatakan...

uhuk uhuk
*numpang batuk :P

Ariza mengatakan...

yiah numpang batuk doang dooong dia... ini review buku kok postingannya, mel... :)

Terong Belanda mengatakan...

Bukunya gak diskon lhoooooo,
tapi mbak kasirnya baik,
sampulnya aja boleh diganti coz sobek dikit......
(padahal yg penggantinya sobek juga....kasian deh lo!)

Ariza mengatakan...

iya, mba-mba nya bisa dijodohin sama cinda tu ya... *astaga, cinda kan mau kawen, lupa aku.